Sulforaphane, the Best Natural Ingredient
For Inflammation Support

- Blocks Inflammation
- Protects Brain Function
- Stimulates Detoxing
Sulforaphane is the gold in broccoli
and it's water-soluble.
A human needs a sled to slide down a hill. In this scenario the human would be curcumin and the sled would be the receptor. If it doesn't have a sled, there will be no sledding.
Sulforaphane (SFN) is easy for your body to absorb, and doesn't need a recepror to get into your bloodstream. SFN was meant to sled down hills a.k.a get absorbed into your body easily. It's purpose is to go into the cell and actively stop inflammation in all parts of the body because that is what it was made to do.
Now you know that sulforaphane (SFN) has some truly amazing health benefits. In over 2,000 scientific articles, scientists have discovered there are 39 distinct pro-health benefits in sulforaphane.
Now you are probably wondering...
If this is so great for you, why has no one heard of it?One of the only ways you could get Sulforaphane before was broccoli sprouts.
Sulforaphane (SFN) blocks the chronic, unhealthy form of inflammation. Medical studies show that chronic inflammation causes a range of disease, including heart disease, depression, and even dementia. SFN works in two ways; it both blocks the proinflammatory pathway known as NF-kB and promotes the anti-inflammatory pathway known as Nrf-2.
Protects Brain Function
Sulforaphane (SFN) travels to the brain to support the survival of existing neurons and to encourage the formation of new neurons. Nrf-2 is the "on switch" for protecting against oxidative damage and inflammation. SFN is the strongest natural stimulator of the Nrf-2 pathway. Low Nrf-2 functioning is linked to neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Encourages Detoxification
Sulforaphane (SFN) works in all three phases of detoxification. In Phase 1, the toxin is inactivated by the liver. In Phase 2, the toxin is altered to make it water soluble so it can return to the blood serum. And in Phase 3, the toxin is bound and eliminated through excretion. SFN is the most potent known natural Phase 2 detoxifier.
Sulforaphane (SFN) enhances human antiviral response by reducing viral load in viruses such as influenzz (the Flu), HIV, Epstein-Barr, and the hepatitis C virus. Additionally, in one study, 23 out of 28 tested bacterial and fungal species were killed by sulforaphane.
Powerful Antioxidant
Sulforaphane (SFN) is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the cellular damage caused by excessive oxidation or "rusting" in the body. Oxidaton in your body is bad and leads to cellular damage that causes aging. Unlike other antioxidants which last hours, SFN is long-acting, lasting three days. SFN is the hero we have been waiting for!