Lily's Flourless Brownies


If you know me, you know that I avoid carbs. But when I visited friends recently, their daughter taught me how to make this flourless brownie, which was better than any brownie I’ve ever had. The key is not to overcook it. She shifts the pan around in the oven, which may be the secret to not over cooking it. 

And, yes, this has loads of sugar in the maple syrup. While I have yet to do this, folks like me who are looking to decrease the sugar in various recipes can play with substituting things like monk fruit, erythritol and stevia for the maple syrup.

If you’re looking for a gluten-free treat, give it a try! Bon appétit!


4 tbs. organic ghee
1 tsp. baking soda
27 oz. almond butter (she uses Kirkland)

2 1/4 cups organic maple syrup organic Vermont hidden springs.
4 organic eggs
1/4 cup vanilla (add another splash if you like vanilla)
1 cup caca powder

Preheat the oven to 325.  Add all the ingredients into a bowl and mix for two minutes. Lily hand mixed the ingredients first so as to not splash them out of the bowl. Place in the oven’s lower shelf for 12 minutes, then transfer it to the higher shelf for 20 minutes.  Put a knife in the batter and it should look like the knife below.


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