Podcast: Metas de salud para el nuevo año


En este podcast, analizamos algunos objetivos de salud para el nuevo año. Hablamos de la dieta que imita el ayuno ProLon, las necesidades diarias de sal, la ashwagandha para el estrés, el oscurecimiento de la grasa y el método de respiración de Wim Hof.

2:00 - Prolon

9:00 – Ingesta diaria de sal

29:00 - Ashwagandha

32:00 – Pardeamiento de grasa e inmunidad.

33.40 – Wim Hof


Enlace KSM-66

1 Comment

Dear Podcast mara labs
I enjoyed this podcast (1) . It was helpful and confirmed things I do. I hope you will offer more. I take saffron too. The reason is -- being on Keto to fight cancer I cannot have fruit. there are few colorful keto veges. Mostly deep greens. So, I added saffron for the color knowing there had to be nutrients in it. I keep discovering how great it is as I have been finding studies. Your podcast revealed more things i didn’t know. Cool! would share more but I’ll stop. THank you and please
tell me if your publish your podcasts somewhere. I could not find you on google podcasts or samsung podcasts and I don’t even know if you have more.

jeanette Keller

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