Anti-Aging Hack With Glycine & NAC



Elevated oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are identified as key hallmarks of aging. Improving and reversing these defects in older adults is challenging. In a study published in June, researchers from Baylor performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized control trial looking at how mega doses of glycine and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) improve age-related biomarkers. 

In the study, the researchers looked at 24 older participants between 61 and 80 years with a mean age of 71 years. Half took 7 grams of glycine and 7 grams of NAC (GlyNAC), while the other half (controls) were given 14 grams of alanine for 16 weeks.

The result was that the people given the GlyNAC dose had a significant improvement in 22 different age-related markers including GSH deficiency, mitochondrial dysfunction, physical function, waist circumference, endothelial function, systolic blood pressure, inflammation, IR, mitophagy, genomic damage, cellular senescence, and stem cells.  Results were seen in the first two weeks, and greater results were seen with longer duration.

The reason for these results is that both glycine and NAC are building blocks of glutathione, which is considered the body’s master antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize oxidants in the body, and oxidants result from oxidization which can be thought of as “rusting” on the inside.

Needless to say, I’m going to suggest my parents get on this immediately.  I’m turning 50 soon, and therefore I started with 3 grams of each along with 15mg of sulforaphane, which also stimulates glutathione production.  I’ll keep you posted as to what I experience!

8 Comment

Do you have brands of these supplements you would recommend?


Hello, can you tell me the grand your taking , I already take NAC could I just add the glycine to the mix or do o need to get a mix of them together
Thank you

Dr. Roberts which Glycine and Nac do you recommend?

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