BerbElite vs. Your Berberine: The Upgrade You Didn’t Know You Needed


We are currently in an age where, even though more research continues to surface around natural methods for optimal health (utilizing nature and plant compounds), pharmaceuticals that serve as shortcuts are simultaneously more prevalent than ever. We have all this evidence for side-effect-free wellness tools, yet many are caught up in the Western model of health, where the “answers” prescribed to them come in the form of synthetic drugs in hopes of achieving a desired outcome. Commonly, the goal is weight loss.

However, perhaps this is the case because many have never heard of a polyphenol and plant compound called berberine. This seems like the only sensible reason why many would choose an artificial route over utilizing something natural whose efficacy is proven. (1) When in a bioavailable form and functional dosage, berberine is shown to be effective in reducing glucose spikes as well as helping the body enter a state of ketosis—without the negative side effects that trendy drugs come with.

Importantly, as more people tune into the world of natural remedies to elevate health, we need to possess the ability to differentiate between what’s hype and what’s real. For instance, many brands have created a berberine product to address this growing need. But is it optimal? And what makes our product, BerbElite, different from the others? We’re here to help you sift through that.

What Is Berberine & What Is It Used For?

Berberine is a natural compound found in many different plant species, such as barberry, goldenseal, and Oregon grape. (2) This phytochemical has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine to address illness and a multitude of inflammatory and blood-sugar-related conditions.

Here at The Mara Labs, BerbElite® offers you a bioavailable source (in an appropriate, effective dosage) so that you can absorb the benefits of this plant-based molecule. Along with this dose of berberine, we have included our proprietary Broccoli Seed Complex to increase the bioavailability of berberine.

BerbElite® vs. Other Berberine Supplements

Along with the inclusion of our proprietary Broccoli Seed Complex in BerbElite®, this supplement is different from other berberine supplements on the market for a few key reasons.

For example, most typical berberine supplements can only be absorbed at a rate of about 0.7%, which is insufficient to immediately lower blood sugar. This is true even at a daily recommended dose of 500 mg to 1,500 mg of berberine.

Thus, even if you took the recommended daily dose of 1,500 mg, you would absorb less than 1% (15 mg) of the berberine in the capsule. Due to this low percentage, many berberine supplements simply cannot provide the dose needed to lower blood glucose or cholesterol.

Because of BerbElite®’s formulation with our Broccoli Seed Complex, an effective dosage, and optimal bioavailability, we have ensured that our berberine gets into the cell. Additionally, our formula can cross the blood-brain barrier to have a direct impact and benefit.

Trying to get into ketosis? Good news! BerbElite® lowers blood glucose levels by approximately ten points in just a few hours. Furthermore, a blood ketone level of 0.5 mmol/L and a glucose level of 82 mg/dL can both be achieved in just three hours with two BerbElite® capsules. For reference, two capsules are the recommended daily dosage on our bottle labels.

What Are the Benefits of Berberine?

Now that we know that dose and bioavailability are both crucial to getting the benefits of berberine, it’s worth asking: what benefits am I getting as a result of taking berberine?

One of the main applications for berberine is its ability to get the body into ketosis faster, without having to exclusively fast or restrict carbs to achieve this metabolic state. Because of this, berberine can be an incredible asset for many, especially those who practice intermittent fasting. Additionally, this berberine can be a useful adjunct for those who do circadian fasting (eating only when the sun is up) to optimize the fasting window for ketosis.

Berberine helps to lower blood sugar, improve sleep quality, reduce excess “bad” LDL cholesterol, and promote “good” HDL cholesterol. Additionally, berberine boosts the production of the “feel-good” chemicals produced by the brain and gut: oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. Furthermore, berberine improves cellular turnover, promotes optimal liver efficiency, and enhances cardiovascular function.

For those concerned with neurodegeneration, berberine exhibits neuroprotective properties that help maintain ideal brain function. (3-5)

How Exactly Does BerbElite® Work?

You’ve ingested the recommended dose of BerbElite (two capsules). Now what? Once BerbElite® is processed through the digestive tract, it passes the gut barrier and enters the bloodstream. From there, it performs a range of functions within the body.

Primarily, BerbElite® has a significant impact on lowering blood sugar, even with the very first dose. Addressing blood sugar-related issues is what brings many to berberine in the first place.

Berberine promotes the production of insulin, which delivers glucose to the cells. This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s actually a beneficial process.

Berberine enhances insulin sensitivity, increases insulin secretion, and improves glucose metabolism through mechanisms such as activating AMPK, inhibiting gluconeogenesis, and increasing glucose uptake. Additionally, berberine has been shown in many clinical studies to have a lasting impact on lowering blood glucose. (6-9)

Earlier, we mentioned the impact of BerbElite® on cholesterol. This occurs because our formula promotes the function of cell receptors that eliminate “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. Many studies support this, and encouragingly, they also show that berberine does not negatively impact “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. (10, 11)

Lastly, in regard to the neurotransmitter uptick that BerbElite® creates, this happens by increasing the number of receptors available. (12)

Berberine for Better Sleep

Melatonin, a vital hormone that plays a role in many bodily processes, is crucial for achieving deep sleep. One of melatonin’s effects is that it blocks insulin signaling when its concentration is high in the body.

Berberine can help achieve a similar effect when taken before bed by lowering blood glucose, helping you enter deep sleep more quickly. (13) For more information, check out this post and video from The Mara Labs scientific team on how berberine has been shown to be more effective as a sleep aid than Valium.

BerbElite vs. Metformin

Metformin is a common anti-diabetic drug that is often used to treat and prevent cancer formation and metastasis. (14) However, some seek alternatives due to its potential to limit muscle mass and density gains.

Berberine inhibits myostatin, a signaling molecule that halts muscle growth. Interestingly, sulforaphane does this as well. (15, 16) Thus, building muscle may be easier when inhibiting myostatin.

Berberine and Anti-Aging

Most plant compounds with longevity effects involve insulin signaling and blood sugar regulation. Since berberine is an AMPK activator, it helps maintain energy balance and lowers blood glucose over time, reducing circulating insulin levels and slowing the aging process. (17)

BerbElite Timing: Morning vs. Evening

Some individuals take BerbElite® in the morning on an empty stomach to maximize its impact on ketosis. By taking berberine early in the day while fasting, the body can achieve a state of ketosis more quickly by lowering blood glucose levels and activating AMPK, a key energy-regulating enzyme.

On the other hand, others prefer to take BerbElite® with dinner to stabilize blood sugar levels overnight. By lowering glucose before bedtime, berberine helps support metabolic health, prevent blood sugar spikes while sleeping, and promote deeper, more restorative rest.





















1 Comment

I take berberine as an antimicrobial. Is your version good for that use as well?
BrocElite replied:
Hi Terri – yes our berberine is the same as others with the exception that ours is bioavailable (can be used by the body) and is free of fillers, flow agents, etc. Thank you for your comment. Please let us know what you think if you try BerbElite!

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