Mi BrocElite se oxidó mientras acampaba


Algunos de ustedes han preguntado cómo se oxidó mi BrocElite en nuestro reciente viaje de campamento de una semana y cómo protegerme contra ello. Entonces, guardé las cápsulas BrocElite en una bolsa ziplock junto con los demás suplementos para el viaje. Después del primer día, cambiaron de color canela a marrón chocolate debido a la humedad.

Para que esto no suceda, mantenga sus cápsulas en la botella blanca y mantenga el desecante dentro de la botella, ¡que absorbe la humedad! Hablo más sobre esto en el video a continuación.

2 Comment

Sandra: If you use it regularly, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Just keep to top on it and the desiccant in the bottle which will help with moister. I do not refrigerate. If it takes you over 60 days to finish a bottle, put it in the refigerator. If you have multiple bottles, I’d put the unused bottles in the freezer.

I was wondering if that is the reason brocolite is supposed to be refrigerated. I never noticed that on the label before this post of yours. I have kept mine in the cupboard since I started taking this several months ago. I hope it was still working. I feel like it has. I definitely feel like I recover and have less pain after a full day of pickleball. If mine is not oxidizing in the cupboard do I still need to keep it in the refrigerator. That is much less convenient and I’m afraid I’ll forget to take it if it’s not with the rest of my supplements.
Thanks for your post.

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