COVID Antibody Level Update - May 2022

This is the third month that we received an antibody test.  As I mentioned before, the genesis of this testing came from my youngest son being sent home after having a close contact with someone who was diagnosed with Covid-19.  The school’s policy is to send home any unvaccinated child to quarantine for 5 days if they had not had Covid-19 within 90 days.  Vaccinated children who were in close contact with a child with Covid-19 do not have to quarantine for 5 days, but rather can wear a mask in school.  
If you want to read the previous antibody updates click here for the February update and click here for the March update.
The fact that he was sent home was really not the issue. It was, rather, the assumption built into the school’s health policy:
1) Vaccine-mediated immunity is better and longer-lasting than natural immunity,
2) If you have antibodies from natural immunity, you lose them in 90 days.
3) Not having antibodies means that you have lost your natural immunity. 
All of these assumptions are incorrect.  
Since then, I traveled to Mexico (mid-April 2022) and needed a negative Covid-19 test to return to the country. On the State Department page, it says that you do not need a negative Covid-19 test if you have documentation that you've had Covid-19 within 90 days and a doctor's note clearing you to travel. 
Again, this is an even worse example of a policy decision based on faulty, erroneous data (occurs to your natural immunity after 90 days) that affects many more people than the children at my boy's school.  
To be crystal clear, science says that natural immunity is superior to vaccine-mediated immunity. I talk about why this is here.  And to be equally clear, I'm not against vaccinations, in general.  I am against basing policy on opinion and consensus over what scientific data clearly says.
Second, losing your antibody levels does not mean you lose your natural immunity since we have memory B-cells and memory T-cells which proliferate upon a new exposure to Covid-19, which I discuss here.  This is one of the pillars on which the whole scientific field of Immunology is based.  
Third, you do not lose your antibodies in 90 days, which I discuss here, and which is why my boys and I are taking our antibody tests every month.  
On that note, here are our results:
My levels:
February: 71.4 AU/mL
March: 213.9 U/mL (different lab and different units than February)

May: 205.1 U/mL

My youngest son's levels:
February: 56.8 AU/mL
March: 133.9 U/mL (different lab and different units than February)

May: 142.3 U/mL

My oldest son's levels:
February: 82.2 AU/mL
March: no test

May: 725 U/mL, diluted (different lab and different units than February)

After having had Covid-19 at both the beginning of November and January 1st, we all still have antibodies 120 days later.  We have not been vaccinated because I was waiting to read the clinical trial results that would normally be used to for vaccine approval prior to making the decision.  With our having natural immunity now, there is no immunological/scientific reason for a vaccination.

Additionally, my oldest son clearly had Covid-19 in April and was asymptomatic.  His antibody levels were so high that there needed to be a dilution of his serum in order for his antibody levels to make it onto the test's scale. 

What occurred with him basically highlights all the points I made above: natural immunity is superior to vaccine-mediated immunity, and you don't lose your natural immunity after 90 days because you have memory cells that proliferate again once the virus (or a similar virus) is re-introduced to your system!

The goal is to measure our antibody levels every month and see when our antibody levels end up dropping.  Stay tuned for June's antibody level update!

1 Comment

Thank you for this article and for the rational thought and science behind it.

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