Detox Juice Recipe: Cilantro and Chlorella


With my son being injected with contrast dye last week for his MRI, I resurrected a potent detox juice that I've not used in a while. 

The juice is mainly organic cilantro, but I add one organic celery stalk and one or two carrots to make it more palatable.

John Gildea put me on to this juice based on a study from The Optimal Wellness Test Research Center in Nevada in 2005.  In the study, participants took both cilantro and chlorella (a type of green algae) three times a day for up to three months (this is a high chelating dose) to remove up to “87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum from the body within 42 days."

I use the NOW brand of chlorella and take two grams with the juice from one bunch of cilantro.  Here is a quick video of juicing:   

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