Glyphosate Disrupts Cellular Communication


In this video, Dr. Katz and Dr. Gildea highlight how glyphosate diminishes your body's cell-to-cell communication via gap junctions and why BrocElite is the antidote to this dangerous toxin.

Listen time: 4 minutes


Martin Katz (00:06):

Hi, I'm Martin Katz, MD, double board-certified in sports medicine and family medicine with an emphasis certainly on health and prevention. With me today as in every day we're here is John Gildea. He is PhD from Johns Hopkins University in biology and esteemed research scientist and together, we are a couple of the founders of BrocElite Stabilized Sulforaphane and all that it brings to us.

Martin Katz (00:34):

So today we're going to not quite leave the topic of glyphosate. We want to talk a little bit more about glyphosate and just as a reminder, glyphosate, really important to start understanding this because it is ubiquitous. It is everywhere, it's in the water, it's in the food that you eat and certainly the water you consume, air, sorry if I didn't say that. So it's pretty much everywhere again, and this mounting exposure to glyphosate is creating a problem within the health of the cell and the health of you as a system, and that's really important to understand and what we're going to talk about today is communication.

Martin Katz (01:09):

I don't know if you remember as a kid you played that game ... We called it telephone, I'm not sure what you called it. But kids sit next to each other and there was a topic that started at the head of the line and went all the way to the bottom and you sort of saw how much it changed. That's the idea of gap junctions and if you have one guy, one cell that's not playing or not doing well, or diseased in some way, you're going to miss that communication and let me tell you your system works on communication. You're not just a brain, you're not just a liver, you're not just a kidney. All these things are working together to ensure your health, to ensure that you're doing best in getting old gracefully instead of having a lot of disease and having to see a doctor.

Martin Katz (01:52):

So anyway this, going back to glyphosate, seems to really affect that and John will talk about that in a second. It seems to really affect these things called gap junctions and gap junctions are these moieties of proteins that form and they have a central canal in them that then opens and helps to communicate cell to cell and that again is extremely important. So John, what did you find with gap junctions and glyphosate and our product?

John Gildea (02:22):

Yeah, so I was just going to expand a little bit on the last time we talked. Glyphosate is in the food we eat, the water we drink and it's in our system. One of the original ways that it passed scrutiny was that they found out so little of it was being absorbed in the small, and large intestine, it just went right through you, but we know that not to be true. Now we know that a lot of it ends up in the urine. So it went into the systemic circulation and goes to the kidney and has the potential to do harm in the kidney.

John Gildea (02:57):

So we decided to study this particular pathway where you have cells making a little channel that goes in between them. The test itself is kind of technical, but basically we're measuring the ability for a cell to transfer a small molecule between cells. What we found was when we put glyphosate on those cells, the ability to transfer all small molecules went in half, which is a really serious deficit in communication. That tissue is no longer communicating with each other and acting as a single hull as a tissue. So in that case, once again, that's not a good thing and the answer was surprising.

John Gildea (03:39):

So Nrf2 in those same cells went down and gap junctions went down and then when we put stabilized sulforaphane from BrocElite back on these cells, the amount of gap junction communication went up above normal, and when they're put together they neutralize each other out. So this glyphosate is everywhere and everything that we eat. It can potentially be doing harm to kidneys by making it act not as a hull and BrocElite seems to repair it back to normal and it's an exciting thing that we've found and I'm glad to share it with everyone.

Martin Katz (04:17):

Yeah, so again, incredibly important. Please click on the link below to learn more and we encourage you to study these things. We are and again we're not slick salesmen, but we're trying to get this information out to you and it's certainly out there. So please learn more. Your health is certainly extremely important. We care about it and so should you, so thanks for listening and we will continue to bring you more.


2 Comment

Hello. I know that you are not supposed to make claims for a natural health product. BUT
could you enlighten me about sulphorafane regarding prostate cancer. or cancer anywhere. I’m led to believe it is particularly god for that condition.. Are there any recent researtch or trials that I could read, perhaps?? Rob C.

I tried BrocElite because I have had joint and muscle pain for years. I am a healthy eater and tried many dietary approaches and a variety of supplements to alleviate my pain. To my great surprise (I had zero expectations based on my experience) this products has reduced my joint and muscle pain by over 50%, at the very least. It is hard for me to quantify, but the difference it has made in my day-to-day sense of well being is hard to overestimate. I’m particularly happy that post-exercise pain is practically non existent when before I always paid a price for rigorous activity. BTW, the fact that you are not slick salesmen is a huge plus. You present the facts well, and that’s what most of us want. Thanks so much for this product.

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